Voiceover-Artist, Actor & Audiobook Producer
London, England
Alien Invasion: Inside Area 51

Skittish Endeavours
Producer / Mixer / Editor
In late 2019 I was sent a slew of recordings from a mysterious reporter who went by the name of Patrick M. Mariano (I was informed that this was not his real name). These recordings featured interviews conducted over a number of years. Some of them were with agents within British Intelligence, while other were discussions with top level members of the US Army and CIA. But it wasn't just who Mr Mariano spoke to that caught my attention - it was the places he conducted these interviews; most notably, Area 51 itself.
The contents of these interviews were chilling, to say the least. Frankly, if they are accurate, they change... well, just about everything we perceive as reality. Are the world's governments really keeping these earth shattering secrets from us? Are world powers acting against the rest of humanity? Are there really alien lifeforms among us, standing in the shadows and pulling the strings of human society for centuries?
Science fact or science fiction... listen, and decide for yourself...
This audiobook is a set of interviews I made across the United States and the United Kingdom, and I’m probably the very first journalist to have accessed Area 51. I didn’t know when I started this investigation where it would lead me, but what I’ve seen in the underground levels is really scary.
If you ever wondered if we are alone in this universe, the answer is no. Aliens are closer than you could imagine. I have dedicated my entire life to reporting stories and events through newspapers, and that’s what I do for a living. I’m not going to stop now.
However, in order to protect my life, I decided to have this book written under a pseudonym. Throughout the course of this book, I will make specific reference to facts that are clearly recognizable and that you can cross-reference. My only hope is that you will take action now and start protecting yourselves and the people around you.