Voiceover-Artist, Actor & Audiobook Producer
London, England
The Long Road to Auschwitz: A Tale of Tyranny and Heartbreak, Book 1

Narrator / Producer / Mixer / Editor
My first novel for author Anthony Vincent Bruno is a harrowing tale of both man's inhumanity to man and some of the worst atrocities in human history, and also of love against the devotion against the most insurmountable of odds.
Told from the perspective of two young lovers, trapped on two sides of a Europe thrown into terrible war.
Pre-war Europe - May 1939. A couple meet and fall in love on a Parisian street. Max is a British Territorial soldier, and Zia is a Jewish girl from the south of France. Zia's grandmother is a wealthy socialite, privy to a dark secret that can harm the Nazi leadership.
After Zia is kidnapped by the Gestapo and Max is hospitalized, he awakes to find no trace of his beloved, who he had planned to marry in England. The Red Cross suspect that she was trafficked across the border and delivered to Sachsenhausen Labor Camp at Oranienburg, not far from Berlin on the night of May 26th, 1939. A criminal act, 343 days before the Wehrmacht attacked France.
June 6th, 1944 - four years later. Max is one of 150,000 Allied troops headed toward the Normandy beaches. He has two options - find the woman he could never forget or kill the people responsible for her death.
From the very beginning, Berlin had ordered SS Hauptsturmführer Dieter Baumann to deal harshly with their VIP captive, but never to kill her. Through three concentration camps, ending in Auschwitz, Zia wishes she had been killed many times over.
Traumatized, she has no idea that Max and a few unlikely friends are battling their way through Nazi-occupied Europe in a crazy attempt to rescue her. This novel explores the dark depths that humans can sink to in times of war. It is for adults only and even then, it is not for listeners of a sensitive disposition. Whatever you listen to in this novel of extraordinarily graphic Holocaust content, consider this - it was immeasurably worse, a 100,000 times so.